
Established in 2022

itrust Abstractions Lab, operating as “Abstractions Lab”, is a consulting and R&D-driven company, co-founded as a spin-off of itrust consulting by professionals from the academic and industrial sector.

Abstractions Lab provides solutions aimed at ensuring the trustworthiness and security of digital systems by advancing the state-of-the-art and applying novel results from computing science and mathematics for the design, development, and analysis of conceptual solutions as well as concrete tools for secure software and cyber physical systems.

Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that correct and secure systems are built on a solid mathematical foundation, with cryptography and formal methods forming its main pillars. This allows systems with well-specified security goals, to be designed, analyzed, and proven secure under all modelled circumstances in well-defined scenarios.

The R&D activities of Abstractions Lab follow an open research model, which entails publishing its designs, software implementations and scientific results via open platforms, using open and permissive licenses. Moreover, Abstractions Lab strives to conduct high quality research to produce reliable solutions, assured by having these results published in peer-reviewed, top-level scientific venues.

Founding members

Dr. Arash Atashpendar, Dr. Itzel Vazquez Sandoval, Dr. Carlo Harpes, Prof. Dr. Peter Y. A. Ryan, Ensuifudine Omar (MSc)


To ensure the trustworthiness and security of cyber-physical systems by building upon solid mathematical foundations.


Correct and secure systems require solid mathematical foundations: cryptography & formal methods.


Open research model
Scientific results published on open platforms
Open-source software implementations released under permissive licenses
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