We have released the Beta version of C5-DEC on GitHub.

This release includes many new functionalities, mainly to assist with Common Criteria evaluations and efficient creation of technical documentation throughout the Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC).
What’s new?
Browse the Common Criteria standards through a web-based interface instead of scanning through documents
The Common Criteria standards for security evaluation of IT products are officially published both as a set of PDF documents and in XML format. We made use of the latter so that, instead of reading through long PDF documents, now you can dynamically browse through the CC requirements, classes, families, components and elements in a friendly manner via a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) running on your computer. Versions CC 3.1R5 and 2022R1 are supported.
Like the TUI included in the Alpha release, the GUI allows you to get filtered content in Markdown for further processing according to your needs.
Create evaluation checklists in spreadsheet format
The CC Lab module of the GUI allows you to select specific CC assurance classes or components to generate and export an evaluation checklist of work units into a structured spreadsheet document (ods, xlsx). An additional concept of atomic work units (AWI) is included in the spreadsheet, to help laboratories break down and organize their work.
Create evaluation technical reports (ETR) in Markdown
The command line interface (CLI) has been extended with commands that allow you to generate independent Markdown files containing the evaluation analysis of a specific assurance family, from the spreadsheet of an evaluation checklist of your choice. These files are parts/sections of an evaluation report and can be integrated into our Markdown ETR template (included in the release) to compile a complete ETR document.
Publish documents in Markdown into other formats thanks to our integration with Quarto
Use the DocEngine to create documents in PDF, Word and other formats from Markdown files. This allows you to write all your technical documentation, evaluation reports, and other documents in an open-source format for compatibility with development environments (GitHub, GitLab, etc.) and later publish it in multiple formats according to your needs.
We invite you to check all the details in the GitHub repository and explore the software.
We will be happy to receive your feedback at info@abstractionslab.lu